Saturday, September 20, 2008


Since last week or so, my last gf has been kinda driving me NUTS!!! It might be because I still talk to her even though she was the one who dumped me. It's like every night she gets online and we start through a normal conversation as in a Hi, How are you? and stuff like that. But after talking for a while she will say "can I say something?" and I reply to her by saying "yeah". And then she would say that she loves me, which is something that pisses me off. I just wanna be your friend for crying out loud!!! I have this policy of being friends with my ex girl friends. Well the other girl friends are not like this one, they stay quiet even if they love me or not. But my last ex nooooooo...she has to day the word love every time we talk. The truth is I just can't stop talking to her. Shes one of my neighbour and after we got together I found out her parents knew my parents, though I never saw my parents talking to her parents. Now I'm going out of my mind!!! Why won't she forget everything thats happened? She is the one who broke up with me without even letting me explain anything to her. Everytime I think of getting back together with her, I knew I will be with her for only sex (something I haven't yet and hopefully would do it for a long time) and I won't love her the way I did before. I know some of the people might think that I'm an idoit or something like that for not having sex, well you know what? mind your own business!!!.. anyways I guess I got that off my chest.. hope you like this =p until next..cya

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